A Aruba “One Happy Island” is known for pristine white sand, clear blue water, cooling trade winds, and having the most sunny days in the Caribbean. What’s not to love? It is little wonder that Aruba boasts the highest return-visitor rate in the Caribbean. They advertise: “Find Your Happy Place” - I think I just did! Aruba is an independent country but a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Located off the coast of Venezuela, it has about 100,000 inhabitants and is outside the hurricane zone. Daytime temperatures are a near constant 86º and drop to 76º at night. Tourists’ Stories Dean and Janie Singleton visited Aruba during a cruise. He recalls: “I was pleasantly surprised…it’s not a tropical island like I thought. Aruba turned out to be a volcanic island with rough coastline on the north and beautiful beaches.” After eight cruises,
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