
Beach Snacks

Margarita Popcorn

Tropical Popcorn 2 cups sweetened shredded coconut 1 ½ cups chopped dried pineapple 3 Tbl. confectioner’s sugar 3 Tbl. melted butter 16 cups popcorn Spread coconut on baking sheet and bake about 10 minutes ‘til golden in 350°oven. Toss everything together and season with salt. 6 Tbl. butter 2 Tbl. lime juice 2 Tbls. tequila 2 tsp. sugar 2 tsp kosher salt 1 ½ tsp grated lime zest 4 cups lightly crushed lime-flavored tortilla chips 12 cups popcorn Put everything except chips and popcorn in a frying pan and heat just enough to melt butter and blend it all together. Pop the popcorn, add chips, then toss with the mix in the frying pan.

Festive Holiday Popcorn

Melt vanilla candy coating and toss with popcorn. Add sprinkles and toss again. Spread popcorn on waxed paper on a baking sheet. Melt chocolate chips and drizzle over popcorn. Let harden at least 15 minutes. Break into pieces and eat. In the rare case of leftovers, store in airtight container.

12 cups popped popcorn 12 oz. vanilla candy coating ½ cup colored sprinkles ½ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

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