

Trudging through the bleak winters of Toledo, Ohio, Michael Holly was drawn to the island escapism that being a Parrothead provided him. “All of a sudden, I was transported from the concrete jungle to tropical paradise in the Caribbean. Jimmy Buffett’s music is just a never-ending treasure trove of experiences. It really is its own genre.” With 234 Buffett concerts under his belt, Holly is the unofficial G.O.A.T. of Parrotheads – the man is a living legend. “What can I say?” he laughs. “If something’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing!” He has attended concerts on two continents, in six countries, in 27 states and 54 cities. So how did this all….happen? “I scored season tickets,” Holly quips. “I kid, of course, but it’s a nice analogy to keep perspective. In baseball, season ticket holders see 81 games per year, and seeing every Buffett concert in a year only puts me at about 31.” And for Holly, every “game” is a home game, and his team has never lost! “Beginning in ’89, I’d go to about one show a year, like a normal person, and I did that for about a decade until I realized I was having a really, really good time at those concerts – why was I only going once a year?” So, he started going regionally, all over Northwest Ohio, and then he decided he was going to try and attend Every. Single. Concert. “My wife loves all

of the traveling. She doesn’t quite understand my level of Parrothead passion, but she loves the places it takes her.” What started as a group of about 10-15 friends hopping on a bus to see local shows, grew to roughly 75-100 Parrotheads, flocking together all over the globe. “And it gets bigger every year!” Holly exclaims. “As far as I know, I’m the record holder, and my wingman is Craig Smith, a.k.a. “Private” (Smith was a Private in the U.S. Marines). “We met at Duke’s Bar in Hawaii one day before a Buffett concert, and we’ve since seen more than 125 shows together.” Holly started the tradition of writing the show number on his arm with a big, black Sharpie -- and many of his friends followed suit – on the off chance that if Jimmy was ever in the parking lot after a show, he might see them, wonder what all the numbers were about, and come over. And as luck would have it, on March 30, 2012, which happened to be the exact day of Holly’s 100th show, it happened! He and his friends finally got to meet Jimmy. After that, Jimmy’s camera crew would always be sure to find them during a show and put them on the big screen. But the true highlight of Holly’s “Jimmy Journey” would come later… As Holly continued to put in the daily grind of working as a stockbroker in Toledo, he realized that if

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