
It was the lure of daily adventure which led the Russells to live full-time on the water five years ago

years ago, in the autumn of 2016. “Living on land, everything is routine,” she adds. “Living on a boat, you never know what wonderful thing is going to happen next. On the water, everyone is a friend. I have more friends now than I’ve had in my entire life.” Even during the covid challenges of 2020, life on a boat was a thrill. They sailed with their buddy boat, One Eyed Dog , travelling the waterways of the

U.S. “We were a 4-person family,” Debbie explains. “We could eat outside, and we were thirsty for live music!” Music – especially trop rock – is a particular pleasure of the Russells. They named their boat after the Jimmy Buffett song “Gypsies in the Palace.” This boat is the second cat the Russells have owned of that name – the first being a Leopard 47, which they sailed on the Great Loop.

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