911922 738 E. BLUEMONT RD., MT. AIRY – Locate your business at a shop between US Hwy. 52 (with 26,000 vehicles per day) & Hwy. 89 (with 16,000 vehicles per day)! Metal 3 bay shop bldg. w/approx. 1380 s.f. & a storage bldg. w/approx. 430 s.f. Floor drain in one bay. Insulated building. Paved parking. City limits.................... $109,900
887592 123 CHILDRENS LN., MT. AIRY – Finished office w/reception area, kitchenette, ½ BA & 2 offic- es. House is under roof but not fin- ished. Full bsmt w/ roughed in plumb- ing. 4+ acres.................... $159,900
841570 2267 N. ANDY GRIFFITH PKWY, MT. AIRY - Metal on steel Butler building w/addition. 1 loading dock in rear, 2 drive-in doors. Gated driveway entrance......................................... $550,000
100 T. GEORGE VAUGHAN JR. RD., GALAX, VA – Former furniture manufacturing facility. 408,000+/- s.f. brick, 3 story bldg. w/12 dock doors & 2 drive-on doo rs....................................................... $999,000
816 GLENDALE RD., GALAX, VA - 25,000 +/- SF office building partially leased to medical related tenants. 2 story brick building built in 2001............................ $2,450,000
881422 5348 ARARAT HWY, ARARAT, VA - Selling real estate & ongoing business. Includes gas w/ 3 pumps, gill w/new captive air hood. Propane tank filling station. On & off road diesel. High ABC sales .............$399,000
897670 735/801 S. MAIN ST., DOBSON - Investment property including single family home & mobile home park near Surry Community College & Surry Central High School. Located in Dobson, NC the county seat for Surry County ......................$395,000
892603 1515 FANCY GAP RD., MT. AIRY - Commercial building w/city utilities. Underground tanks. Block walls on main section. Frame addition includes storage room w/ shower ...........................$49,900
874041 154 ROWE LN., MT. AIRY - Brick office bldg. w/full bsmt. near the NC/VA state line. Metal roof & brick exterior. Offices, board room, rest rooms, reception area & work rooms. Covered porch entry. All located on 2.77 acres.............................. $325,000
59384 7229 FANCY GAP HWY., FANCY GAP - Formerly operated as The Olde Homestead Mall fronting Hwy. 52 in the heart of Fancy Gap......................... $115,000
911849 8773 W. PINE ST., LOWGAP - Gas station, convenience store & café/restaurant located in themountain town of Lowgap. Property includes older brick home.............. $465,000
817177 W. STEWART DR., MT. AIRY – 3 parcels totaling .82 acre of land. Vacant lot next to Chili’s & Walgreens..... $75,000
CITY OF CHARLOTTE ROLLING STOCK AUCTION Saturday, May 11th – 9:00 am 5550 Wilkinson Blvd., Bldg. A Charlotte, NC 28208 PATRICK COUNTY SPECIAL COMMISSIONER & DELINQUENT TAX SALE Approximately 20 properties ranging from .5 acres to 33 acres. April 25 10:00 A.M. - J.D. Hooker Building at Rotary Complex - Stuart, VA RALPH BRAMMER ESTATE One of the largest collectible coin auctions ever in the area. Silver, Gold, Jewelry Including Rolex Watch & collectibles. Coins & Personal property online only ending April 24 REAL ESTATE AUCTION House & 81 ac. of good hunting or recreational land 3 other tracts from 5-15 acres. Coming late April. NC SKATING RINK BUILDING & ACREAGE House & 81 ac. of good hunting or recreational land 3 other tracts from 5-15 acres. Coming late April. Real Estate Auction – April 25th Brick Ranch Home, Collinsville, VA
761566 HWY 21 & 421/HOOTS RD., YADKINVILLE, NC – 36.21 acres of commercial land zoned HB. Ex- ceptional topography, high visibility. Listing broker is co-owner................................................................... $1,750,000
420 CREEKVIEW DR., GALAX, VA. 30,000 SF building zoned M-2 on over 2 acres................................................... $599,000
CONTRACT 901681 1493 W. PINE ST., MT. AIRY - Build your own business on W. Pine Street. High Profile location between Hwy. 52 & I-74. 7 acres of level land. Public utilities avail- able..... $450,000 909719 ANDY GRIFFITH PKWY., MT. AIRY - 2.26 acres. Great visibility w/high traffic count. Good for commercial/ retail............................................................................ $49,500 906978 W. PINE ST., MT. AIRY - 16.4 acres of land. High profile location that fronts I-77 & 4 other paved state roads..... .............................................................................. $1,650,000 911523 647 S. MAIN ST., DOBSON - 2.6 acres with brick home across from Surry Community College, Dobson, NC. Use the home as office, rental or investment. Develop the site
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