The Virginia Assoc iation for Career and Technical Education is pleased to announce that Delegate Kathy J. Byron of the 22nd District and Senator Frank M. Ruff Jr. of the 15th District are the association’s Policymakers of the Year. They were honored
January 12 during the Virginia Association for Career and Technical Education Professional Development and Leadership Seminar. Delegate Byron represents parts of
Have access to all of the latest insider information and in-depth coverage of Virginia’s political issues.
Bedford, Campbell, and Franklin counties and part of the city of Lynchburg. She serves as vice chair of the House Commerce and Labor Committee and is a member of the Finance Committee and the House Science and Technology Committee. Senator Ruff repre
Virginia Capital Connections Magazine
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back issues of this quarterly political
affairs and public policy magazine.
Each issue features articles on
important public policy and political
sents parts of Brunswick, Campbell, Dinwiddie, Halifax, Pittsylvania, and Prince George counties, part of the city of Danville, and all of Charlotte,
issues written by leading legislators,
executive branch officials, political
Mecklenburg, Lunenburg, and Nottoway counties. He serves as chair of the General Laws and Technology Committee and is a member of the Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee, Finance Committee, and Rules Committee. Delegate Byron and Senator Ruff recognize
scientists, and lobbyists.
Elect No Strangers! (The Blue Book)
Lobbyists & Legislative Liaisons (The Black Book)
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publication of this mid-year
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campaign directory. Know
publication, which contains
who and what will be on the
both registered lobbyists
November ballot. Assistants
and legislative contacts for
and local legislative office
information is also provided.
the need to prepare students for successful careers beyond high school and to increase opportunities for workforce training. Both support the need for industry credentialing for students and the opportunity for qualified individuals who meet certain requirements to teach high school career and technical education courses in specific subject areas.
Virginia Capital Connections Handbook (The Red Book)
The Flag Book
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popular legislative directory, with photos,
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telephone numbers, addresses and birthdays
of this directory of
for everyone you should know in Virginia
Virginia officials
government. Assistants and local legislative
and their military
Don’t Miss an Important Event! Virginia Political Events Calendar www.dbava.com/calendar
office information is also provided.
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