
Skyphos Industries

Elliot McAllister CEO, Skyphos Industries 540-759-2447

Skyphos is dedicated to improving translation of point-of- care medical diagnostics and developing next-gen healthcare platforms. Our specialized 3D printing (3DP) finds high utility among groups working in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and lab-on-a-chip (LOAC). Skyphos fabricates on- device components/features ranging in size from single-digit microns to several inches within the same print – for the first time enabling prototyping on-demand and outside of a clean-room. The machine and the processes it utilizes were designed from the ground up to overcome limitations imposed by lithography. Our technology offers prototyping in minutes vs. months.This permits fabrication of devices previously not possible, radically altering the consumption and fabrication models for MEMS and LOAC.

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