celtic-newsletter-spring-2020 FLIP

Message from Principal & Head of School Dear Roanoke Catholic Alumni, Parents, Students and Friends,

This addition of our Celtic Newsletter is unlike any we ’ ve done in our 131 - year history. Much of the content has been generated by video submissions, emailed photos, and speech to text, but very little has been done face - to - face given our physical absence from campus since March 13 amid the COVID - 19 pandemic. The wonderful thing about our Catholic faith is that even in the absence of celebrating our weekly Mass, we are still a connected community. We have overcome the challenges of our physical distance and continue to promote and support student learning and faith development in our virtual world. We ’ ve attended weekly Mass in front of our computers, as a family, on Sunday morning. Many of us also enjoyed daily Mass with our parish priest from the safety and comfort of our homes. We have watched our children connect with their fellow students and teachers via Zoom teleconferencing, Google Meet, Facebook Live and our video live - streaming service, CelticsLive.com. We are Celtics, strong in our faith and our resolve to continue moving forward and doing what is right for those in our community. Plans are being made for our return to campus in August. Classrooms are being cleaned, textbooks are being ordered, computers and our wireless network are being upgraded and our school library will look more welcoming and appealing to our students and guests when they return in the fall. We ’ re also installing air - conditioning in the lower school gym and solar panels on our roof to continue our efforts to be good stewards of the Earth. And I know all of us are ready for Chef Radjou ’ s incredible lunches




SCHOOL BOARD John Thomas, Chair (St. Andrew ’ s) Rosann Kryczkowski, Vice - Chair (Transfiguration) Rich Joachim, Secretary (St. Andrew ’ s) Dan Burkard, Treasurer (Transfiguration) Ron Downing (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) Michelle Gereaux - Karim (Our Lady of Nazareth) Brian Chubb (St. Gerard ’ s) The Celtic Newsletter is produced by the Roanoke Catholic School Development Office: Michael Hemphill Director of Marketing & the Annual Fund Debbie Stump Director of Major Gifts & Education Tax Credits OUR VISION Roanoke Catholic School is dedicated to excellence in education and to the spiritual development of youth within the framework of the Gospel and the tradition of the Catholic Church. Welcoming all faiths, we strive to instill in our students a lifelong commitment to learning, to Christian values, and to community service. We are dedicated to achieving these goals in a supportive Christian community. * * *

when we gather again in a few short months! My sincere blessings and prayers for all of you,

Patrick Patterson

Stay connected & follow us anywhere!



OUR MISSION Blending learning with faith and faith with daily life.



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