Yanfeng Emp Handbook Proof
Pay for holidays will be calculated based on the employee’s hourly wage. Only regular full-time employees are eligible for holiday pay. If a recognized holiday falls during an eligible employee’s paid vacation period, holiday pay will be provided instead of the vacation benefit being applied. If an eligible employee works on a recognized holiday, he or she will receive 8 hours of holiday pay, plus wages for the number of hours worked on the holiday. Paid time off for holidays will be considered as time worked for the purpose of determining and computing overtime pay. If you are on a Medical Leave of Absence or Family Medical Leave you will not be eligible to receive holiday pay. EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT YFAI reimburses employees for education costs when the following criteria are met: The education is career/job related and to the mutual benefit of the employee and the company. Tuition reimbursement is not available to a) Temporary full-time or part-time employees; or b) Employees with an inactive status; or c) Employees with less than one full year of employment with YFAI; or d) Employees that are not currently meeting minimum performance requirements. Employees must obtain pre-approval by the management team for tuition reimbursement under this policy. In no event shall an employee be entitled to the alternative of selecting additional taxable compensation in lieu of tuition reimbursement benefits. For more detailed information, please see a member of the Human Resources Team. LEAVES OF ABSENCE The purpose of this section is to identify the types of leave of absence offered to employees and the steps that need to be taken for an employee to be placed on a leave There is a presumption of continued employment. All courses must be taken outside of work hours.
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