Yanfeng Emp Handbook Proof
SOLICITATION AND DISTRIBUTION POLICY YFAI prohibits the solicitation, distribution and posting of materials on YFAI property by any employee or non-employee, except as may be permitted by law and this policy. The sole exception to this policy are charitable and community activities supported by YFAI management and YFAI sponsored programs related to Company products and services. Non-employees may not solicit employees or distribute literature of any kind on YFAI premises at any time. In addition, former employees are not permitted onto YFAI property except for official business, as may be authorized by law, or as authorized by Human Resources. Employees, on-or-off-duty, may not solicit other employees during working times, except in connection with a YFAI approved or sponsored event. Working time includes the time the employee or the person soliciting or being solicited is or should be properly engaged in job duties. Employees may not distribute literature of any kind during working times, or in any working area at any time, except in connection with a YFAI -sponsored event. The Company e-mail system may not be used during working time to solicit or advertise for religious or political causes, commercial enterprises, outside organizations, or any other non-job related solicitations or advertisements. The posting of materials in designated posting areas or electronic announcements via the Company’s email system are permitted as long as such postings are not obscene or violate the Company’s harassment policies. All postings and/or company-wide electronic communications must be authorized by Human Reources. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS
The personal computer has revolutionized the manner in which we communicate and do business. For the purposes of this policy, computing resources are defined to be all Company-owned or leased computer hardware, including workstations, mobile phones and laptop computers, software, networks and other assets. Electronic activity is any activity on computing resources including: the generation, modification or storage of data; the transmission or
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