Yanfeng Emp Handbook Proof
All suspicious individuals or activities, including actual violence or threats of violence, both direct and indirect, should be reported immediately to Human Resources, your supervisor, or any member of management. This includes threats by employees, as well as threats by customers, vendors, solicitors, or members of the public. Employees should not attempt to intercede or otherwise become involved with any actual or potentially intimidating, harassing, or violent situation. Employees are encouraged to bring their disputes or differences with other employees to the attention of a member of management or a Human Resources representative before the situation escalates into potential violence. YFAI will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of actual or threatened violence as well as suspicious individuals or activities. The identity of the individual making a report will be protected to the extent most practical. In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of its investigation, YFAI may suspend employees, pending investigation. In cases of imminent danger or threat of violence, retreat to a safe location and call 9-1-1. Employees are responsible for refraining from acts of violence. Employees are strongly encouraged to seek assistance to resolve personal issues, particularly those that may lead to acts of workplace violence. Employees are to report to managers or supervisors any dangerous or threatening situations that occur either in the workplace or outside the workplace if they affect workplace safety. All threats are considered serious and will be treated as such. Any employee determined to have participated in any threatened or actual violence, or other conduct that violates these guidelines, will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.
Violent acts/behaviors include : Acts/behaviors that are physically assaulting.
Acts/behaviors that consist of a communicated or reasonably perceived threat of harm to another individual or that in any other way endanger the safety of an individual. Acts/behaviors that would be interpreted by a reasonable person as carrying potential for physical harm to the individual. Acts which involve carrying or displaying weapons, destroying property, or throwing objects in a manner reasonably perceived to be threatening. Acts that consist of a communicated or reasonably perceived threat to destroy property.
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