Yadkin Valley Visitors Guide
2017 Public Art Guitar Crawl May 5th—Nov. 4th Mayberry Cool Cars & Rods Cruise-Ins, 3rd Sat June—October Mayberry Days 4th Week- end in September September Art Walk Mayberry Food Truck Fest—Oct. 1, 12-6pm Autumn Leaves 2nd Weekend in Oct. Christmas Parade Sat. after Thanksgiving Christmas Open House Dec. 2nd 2018 Mayberry Food Truck Fest last Sun. in Mar. April Art Walk Girls Night Out Events Summer Concerts at Blackmon Amphitheatre April—Sept. Budbreak Wine & Beer Festival in May Mayberry Farm Fest May 19th July 4 Parade
www.MountAiryDowntown.org #DowntownMountAiry Visit our website for a full list of event dates, music schedule, monthly calendar, updates & more!
Ridenour Ranch, LLC www.RidenourRanch.com
258 Seven Oaks Way Thurmond, NC 28683 336-466-9914
Hours: January to March By Appointment Only April to December
T he Alpaca Ranch and Store are owned by Michael and Susie Ridenour. We are a 98 acre ranch with alpaca, sheep, goats, beef cattle, ponies and chickens. Our Ranch Store is now open, so come take a look at all the wonderful alpaca products and interact with some of the animals.
Saturday 11:00am - 4:00pm Sunday 11:00am - 4:00pm or By Appointment
For more information and upcoming events, follow us on Instagram @ RidenourRanch and like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RidenourRanch
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