Worship Arts Jan Feb Mar 2023

New Resource Available for All Members! We first introduced Fellowship Connections to you in the last issue of WorshipArts . We’re very excited to announce that this program is now active and that you can sign up right now! (Hint: Notice a QR Code on this page?) Fellowship Connections will provide three avenues of connection for Fellowship members, which will allow the experience of worship arts enrichment and community to be enfleshed through intentional relationships with members of The Fellowship. These three avenues are Fellowship Guides, Mentor Relationships, and Cohort Groups. Each avenue provides the opportunity to give and receive of the gifts, time, and talent of our network of passionate worship artists.

Fellowship Guides Fellowship Guides will offer every new member the option of requesting a guide who becomes “the face” of The Fellowship for the member’s first year. Fellowship Mentors Mentor Relationships will be available to members who experience the need for a seasoned worship artist to be a guide for them in their ministry. Cohort Groups Cohort Groups will be offered seasonally and focused on specific learning, professional connection and collaboration, or skill development. For More Information This exciting new opportunity will help us cultivate and equip worship artists into the future. It offers a robust and intentional way to connect members with members to help create transformative worship experiences in our local churches, across our communities, and around the world. We hope that you will prayerfully consider joining one or more of

these unique connections as either a new member guide, a mentor or mentee, or a cohort member or cohort leader.

Photo Credit: Daniel Craig

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