Worship Arts Jan Feb Mar 2023

QR Codes A new feature in WorshipArts

Raise your hand if you like manually typing in a website address! No? I don’t like it either, and one of the struggles of print media is that it offers few ways to redirect readers to digital content without making the reader do all of the work. As quick as Google is, searching for something of interest, and then making sure that you select the correct link from the results page can quickly turn interest into indifference. We want to make sure people see all of the work that makes The Fellowship so special. But in print media, there’s only so much space. Enter the QR (Quick Response) Code The QR code makes it possible to enhance print media and turn it into a mechanism that will redirect the reader directly to digital content via a smartphone. So, how does a QR code work? QR codes are similar to the barcodes you see on products in a store. They allow a scanner to identify an item without manual input. While barcodes store information only along the horizontal axis, QR codes store information along both the horizontal and vertical axes, making it possible to store or link far more data than a barcode is capable of. Their ability to store large amounts of information in its arrangement of dots and quickly translate it into accessible data makes it a perfect tool to turn a static print page into a dynamic digital gateway. Where does a person get a QR scanner or reader? If you have a smartphone purchased later than 2016, you have a QR scanner with you any time you have your phone within reach. On the next page, we’ll share some information about how to scan a QR code using your phone, and what to do if it doesn’t work the first time you try. Why would we want to use QR codes in WorshipArts ? You are a talented group of people. You create incredible content. Music, and dance, and art, and sermons, and conversation, and, and, and... We can’t share it all in the 30 pages of a WorshipArts magazine. By using QR codes, we have the ability to share some content with you here, and also send you straight to additional resources, tools, or content that we can’t fit into these pages. QR codes are versatile and allow us to bridge the gap between print media and digital content in a way that helps to cultivate and equip all persons who are interested in creating transformative worship experiences. If you see a QR code throughout this issue, make sure to follow where it leads.

New Resource Available for All Members! We first introduced Fellowship Connections to you in the last issue of WorshipArts . We’re very excited to announce that this program is now active and that you can sign up right now! (Hint: Notice a QR Code on this page?) Fellowship Connections will provide three avenues of connection for Fellowship members, which will allow the experience of worship arts enrichment and community to be enfleshed through intentional relationships with members of The Fellowship. These three avenues are Fellowship Guides, Mentor Relationships, and Cohort Groups. Each avenue provides the opportunity to give and receive of the gifts, time, and talent of our network of passionate worship artists.

Fellowship Guides Fellowship Guides will offer every new member the option of requesting a guide who becomes “the face” of The Fellowship for the member’s first year. Fellowship Mentors Mentor Relationships will be available to members who experience the need for a seasoned worship artist to be a guide for them in their ministry. Cohort Groups Cohort Groups will be offered seasonally and focused on specific learning, professional connection and collaboration, or skill development. For More Information This exciting new opportunity will help us cultivate and equip worship artists into the future. It offers a robust and intentional way to connect members with members to help create transformative worship experiences in our local churches, across our communities, and around the world. We hope that you will prayerfully consider joining one or more of

these unique connections as either a new member guide, a mentor or mentee, or a cohort member or cohort leader.

Photo Credit: Daniel Craig

Fellowship Connections Team Bodie Gilbert Vice President of Community

If you are already a member of The Fellowship, be sure to sign up for Fellowship Connections today; and then take a moment to #BeTheFellowship and spread the word to others who can benefit from this opportunity! If you are not currently a subscription-holding member of The Fellowship of Worship Artists (i.e., Regular Membership, Church Membership, Over 65 Membership, etc.), you can purchase your membership now and become a part of this growing community. We would love to have you join us so that we can continue to learn from each other and worship together. There’s never been a better time to be a new member than right now, and the Connections available to you through this new program are a big part of the reason why. Join us today!

Bill Shortal Chair and Guides Coordinator

Josh Voiles Mentors Coordinator

Kevin Presley Cohorts Coordinator

Click or use the QR code above to view

Explore fresh, new choral titles for Spring, Lent, and Easter from Celebrating Grace!

CG FUMMWA Jan 2023 Newsletter Ad.indd 1

11/8/22 2:40 PM

Available on our website on February 8th


Music & Worship Arts Week


Explore New Choral and Piano Music for Lent, Easter & Spring!

Visit augsburgfortress.org/NewMusic to learn more and see samples.

Augsburg Music is the music imprint of Augsburg Fortress. augsburgfortress.org

Our Biennial Convocation gives you the opportunity to step away from your day-to-day routines and enter into a time of fellowship, growth, education, and renewal. It is a time to participate in seminars, workshops, reading sessions, discussion opportunities, intensives, fellowship opportunities, transformative worship, and so much more! Convocation is open to all musicians, artist, dancers, designers, technicians, clergy, laity, and all other worship artists who are passionate about

Do you love to write? Do you have an idea for an article that would interest the readers of WorshipArts ? If so, we'd love to share it in an upcoming issue!

The WorshipArts Editorial Committee actively seeks a variety of articles and reviews in music areas (choral for all ages, piano/organ, instrumental, handbells), arts areas (dance, drama, visuals, technology), and worship areas (preaching, contemporary worship, spiritual formation, worship planning, liturgy). WorshipArts publishes four to six times each year, and deadlines are the 1st of the month, two months prior to publication date. For more information, or to view the submission guidelines, visit our website. 2022 - 2023 Editorial Committee • Erica Rushing, Editor • David Wiltse, Editor Emeritus • Sara Collins, Reviews Coordinator • Kathy Toole, Publications and Communications Coordinator (National Board) • Rick Wiltse, Advertising Coordinator

here and requires intermediate to advanced organ skills. However, if you have those skills, this is a wonderful selection for a recital piece or since it is written with three movements: allegro ma non troppo, adagio e espressivo, allegro moderato, it can also be used for the prelude, offertory and postlude for worship on a Sunday. Even if you never play it for recital or for worship, learning this piece will be a wonderful experience in learning new organ skills.


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