Winter Commencement 2022

THE UNIVERSITY GONFALON 7KH %OXH¿HOG 8QLYHUVLW\ *RQIDORQ LV D V\PERO RI RXU FROOHFWLYH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WR HQJDJH LQ D &KULVW FHQWHUHG FRPPXQLW\ RI LQWHJULW\ DQG OHDUQLQJ %OXH¿HOG 8QLYHUVLW\¶V FRORUV which compose the University Gonfalon, are blue, white, and red. The University Seal adorns the top of the Gonfalon, and at its base is the symbol of inspiration for the 8QLYHUVLW\ ZKLFK LV WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ 6SLUH ,Q WKLV ṘFLDO YHUVLRQ WKH 6SLUH LV OHIW KDOI RSHQ WR FRQYH\ WKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WKDW HDFK LQGLYLGXDO EH WKH\ VWXGHQW IDFXOW\ VWD̆ or administration, has to do their part to complete the work of learning to which we have been entrusted. ACADEMIC REGALIA The origins of academic regalia date back to the 12th and 13th centuries, when XQLYHUVLWLHV ZHUH EHJLQQLQJ 7KH ¿UVW JRZQV ZHUH SDWWHUQHG DIWHU WKH GUHVV RI WKH cleric and were believed to be a necessity for warmth in unheated buildings. Hoods were designed to serve as head coverings. Caps were not used at that time. The shape of the gown indicates the academic level: bachelor, master, or doctor. Black is the most common color in America, although now many colleges and universities are using one of their colors. The doctor's robe usually has three velvet stripes on the sleeves, in black or in the color of the discipline of the degree. The colors of the hood indicate the academic discipline and the institution. The colors DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH GL̆HUHQW GLVFLSOLQHV DUH DV IROORZV

Accountancy .....................................Drab Anthropology .................................... Gold Arts..................................................White Behavioral Science......................... Oyster Biochemistry..................................... Gold Business Administration ..................Drab Chiropractic ...................................... Grey Commerce.........................................Drab Communication ..........................Crimson Counseling & Guidance ........... Light Blue Divinity ..........................................Scarlet Dramatic Arts ................................ Brown Economics..................................... Copper Education................................. Light Blue Engineering ..................................Orange English ............................................White Fine Arts ........................................ Brown History ............................................White Home Economics.........................Maroon Humanities .....................................White Journalism..................................Crimson

Jurisprudence ................................ Purple Law................................................. Purple Letters .............................................White Library Science ............................. Lemon Literature ........................................White Medicine ............................ Hunter Green Music................................................. Pink Nursing .........................................Apricot Oratory (Speech) .............................Silver Philosophy .............................. Ph.D. Blue Physical Education ................ Sage Green Physical Therapy................................Teal Psychology ........................................ Gold Public Administration ........ Peacock Blue Public Health ................................Salmon Physics ...................................Bright Gold Science ...................................Bright Gold Social Work.....................................Citron Speech..............................................Silver Theology.........................................Scarlet Urban Planning ..................... Blue-Violet

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