Winter Commencement 2017 Program
As a member of The Bluefield College Alumni Association, I will take an active role in the life of my College through prayer, advocacy, and gifts of time and resources. Good work ethic, compassion, community involvement, appreciation for others, and faith in God have become a foundation for me as a student. These values give me a hope and a passion to share the Bluefield College mission with others as I journey through each chapter of my life. I will remember the lighted spire on the hill, and may it remain a symbol to guide me all of my days. May God continue to bless the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Bluefield College, and may God bless each of us as we impact our world.
ALMA MATER Zambus/Stovall
In Virginia where the mountains lift their peaks so bold and high There stands our Alma Mater dear and for her fame we vie. We hail thee Bluefield College, thy red, thy blue, thy white; Ever serving God and country, walking in God’s holy light. The two Virginias greet thy fame as at thy feet they meet, Old Dominion and her daughter in sweet peace at thy feet. We hail thee Bluefield College, thy red, thy blue, thy white; Ever serving God and country, walking in God’s holy light.
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