Winter 2019
CHRISTMAS AT THE MARKET, PARADE AND TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY Date Time Location Friday, December 13, 2019 Market: 4 p.m. Downtown Christiansburg Tree Lighting: 6:55 p.m. Parade: 7 p.m. Location: Downtown Christiansburg Time: Christmas Market 4-8 p.m., Tree Lighting Ceremony 6:55 p.m., Christmas Parade 7 p.m. Price: FREE Eligibility: All age groups Description: Enjoy a festive Christmas Market which will house Farmers’ Market vendors as well as arts and craft ven- dors on Hickok Street. The tree lighting ceremony will occur at the Town Square at 6:55 p.m. The Christmas Parade will being at 7 p.m. and will run through downtown Christiansburg SPECIAL EVENTS CHRISTMAS AT THE MARKET, PARADE AND TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY Date Time Location Friday, December 13, 2019 Market: 4 p.m. Downtown Christiansburg Tree Lighting: 6:55 p.m. Parade: 7 p.m. Location: Downtown Christiansburg Time: Christmas Market 4-8 p.m., Tree Lighting Ceremony 6:55 p.m., Christmas Parade 7 p.m. Price: FREE Eligibility: All age groups Description: Enjoy a festive Christmas Market which will house Farmers’ Market vendors as well as arts and craft ven- dors on Hickok Street. The tree lighting ceremony will occur at the Town Square at 6:55 p.m. The Christmas Parade will being at 7 p.m. and will run through downtown Christiansburg ALL FROM THE NO TH POLE Ages: 8 and younger Date: Dec. 4 (Dec. 6 if needed) Ti e: Starting t 5:30 p.m. Additional Information: The Christiansburg Parks and Recreation Department has been in contact with the North Pole and ev- eryone, includin Santa, is extremely busy. Santa has agreed to personally call children 8 years old and younger on December 4 start ng at 5:30 p.m. For Santa to call, you ne d to fill out a form located at the Christia sbu g Recr ation Center or online at www.christ and return it by Monday, Dec. 3 by 5 p.m. Santa may need more time to call all the children so if you do not receive a call on Dec. 4, you will be called on Dec. 6. Please keep the phone lines open. Merry Christmas!!!! CALLS FROM THE NORTH POLE Ages: 8 and younger Date: Dec. 4 (Dec. 6 if needed) Time: Starting at 5:30 p.m. Additional Information: The Christiansburg Parks and Recreation Department has been in contact with the North P le and ev- eryon , including Santa, is x remely busy. Santa h s agreed to per ona ly call children 8 years old a d younger on Decembe 4 starting at 5:30 p.m. For Santa to call, you need to fill out a form located at the Christiansburg Recreation Center or online at and return it by Monday, Dec. 3 by 5 p.m. Santa may need more time to call all the children so if you do not receive a call on Dec. 4, you will be called on Dec. 6. Please keep the phone lines open. Merry Christmas!!!! CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND IN CHRISTIANSBURG Date Time Location Saturday, December 14, 2019 6-8 p.m. Hickok Street Location: Hickok Street Time: 6-8 p.m. Description: Enjoy a second night of festive holiday fun in downtown Christiansburg as the Town presents this first- time event. Come downtown to see a Christmas tree light show, carolers, hot chocolate, an appearance from Santa and much more!
NEW RIVER VALLEY CHILI COOK-OFF Date Time CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND IN CHRISTIANSBURG Date Time Location Saturday, December 14, 2019 6-8 p.m. Hickok Street Location: Hickok Street Time: 6-8 p.m. Location Saturday, April 18, 2019 Location: Hickok Street Time: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Hickok Street
Description: Come downtown to Hickok Street to witness the Town’s first-ever chili cook-off! This event will showcase, honor and celebrate first responders of the New River Valley in an epic competition, complete with certified judges. The public is invited to taste test chili that is cooked by representatives of first responder units in the NRV. Description: Enjoy a second night of festive holiday fun in downtown Christiansburg as the Town presents this first- time event. Come downtown to see a Christmas tree light show, carolers, hot chocolate, an appearance from Santa and much more!
NRVHBA HOME EXPO 2020 Dates/Times: Saturday, March 14, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, March 15, Noon-5 p.m. Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center Admission: $4.00 EW RIVER VALLEY CHILI COOK-OFF Date Time Location Saturday, April 18, 2019 10 a. .-3 p. . Hickok Street Location: Hickok Street Time: 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Additional Information: The New River Valley Home Builder’s Association Home Expo has gained the reputation as one of the finest, thanks to the quality of the exhibitors and the guests. Come out for another awesome show and learn about the latest products and services from the experts. Date Time Location March 14 & 15 March 14 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Christiansburg Recreation Center March 15 Noon-5 p.m. Description: Co e downtown to Hickok Street to witness the Town’s first-ever chili cook-off! This event will showcase, honor and celebrate first responders of the New River Valley in an epic competition, complete with certified judges. The public is invited to taste test chili that is cooked by representatives of first responder units in the NRV.
NRVHBA HOME EXPO 2020 Dates/Times: Saturday, March 14, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, March 15, Noon-5 p.m. Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center Admission: $4.00
Additional Information: The New River Valley Home Builder’s Association Home Expo has gained the reputation as one of the finest, thanks to the quality of the exhibitors and the guests. Come out for another awesome show and learn about the latest products and services from the experts. Date Time Location March 14 & 15 March 14 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Christiansburg Recreation Center March 15 Noon-5 p.m.
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