Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Books

One last bit of church building trivia –

The beautiful, tall, wooden doors at the entrance to the Fellowship Hall were part of the original 1922 Sunday School building, and they were located at the entrance there by Jonathan ’ s office until the renovation.

One request that the Bible program had of each teacher was that we would all go to separate churches. I am so thankful that my church search ended me up at Westminster with its wonderful reformed doctrine. We could not teach our doctrine, but at Westminster, we had the joy of hearing it taught and of fellowshipping with others who loved it. May God keep our church faithful to having His wonderful truths taught here, sharing them with all He sends our way. What an amazing Savior and blessed church we have!!!

If you reflect on this, for the church to have had only eight pastors in 100 years, is pretty amazing. I wonder if that sets a record. (if anyone keeps such records . . . ) Now, it ’ s time highlight our current pastor.

Jonathan Rockness 2011 -

Jonathan comes from a family of pastors and missionaries. Originally from Wales, Florida, he earned his seminary degree from Gordon Conwell while doing youth ministry during his 12 years at Back Creek Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. On the afternoon of September 11, 2011, Addie was born to the Rockness family, and on that same afternoon, Jonathan accepted the call to be our pastor.

They would move to Bluefield eight weeks later . Don ’ t you love this picture? How young they look all look. Paul Wilkinson recalls that – “ Some 10 years ago, our family (of four at the time), stepped in to Westminster for the first time

Eleanor “ Buzzy ” Rupp

on a Sunday morning. We were familiar with Westminster only through the preschool, where our oldest son Eli, was attending. But this was the first time we'd decided to join a Sunday service. Everything being new, we were a little anxious. Not knowing exactly where to go, where to sit, where to take your children, and knowing you'd be amongst at least some unfamiliar faces can be intimidating. As we entered in through the parking lot door, a smiling, balding man - named Pastor Jonathan - just happened to be breezing by, probably rushing around with last minute preparation before the sermon. Recognizing that we were fresh faces and noticing the young boy in tow and the tiny girl named Callie on her Mom's hip; this man greeted us warmly, escorted us up to the nursery while having light conversation, and directed us where to go from there. A very good first impression. ”


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