Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Books

Through this body, I have received love, instruction, discipline, grace and mercy that carry me through my life. These same blessings now are being lived out in my spouse, my children and my grandchildren as well. These blessings have come not because of people of WPC themselves but because some 100 years ago God decided that WPC would become Holy Ground where He would choose to live and work among those who choose to call Him Lord. Blessed to be a blessing – Anyone who has spent any time around me has heard me repeat that phrase often. So I endeavor each day to appreciate the truth of those words as much now as I did that morning when Fadwa opened class with them. I am no more deserving today than I was then – which makes the blessing that much more amazing, and the need to share it that much more important. Catherine Lynch Gillespie

Some decades are remembered for one certain idea – the 1920’ s for Bluefield was definitely a building boom. The 1930’ s were the Depression years. The 1940’ s focused on a sequel to the war to end all wars. The 50’ s and 60’ s marked a change in the culture, and a Baby Boom that would impact the world. And then, we get to the 1970’ s – so many things going on there, with a controversial war, with political upheaval, with a changing culture and significantly new fashion trends -- but one huge element that one can ’ t ignore -- God was up to something in this decade. Not that God isn ’ t up to something in every decade, but He was definitely, wonderfully active in this era. There were many different factors. Our ancestors had predominantly been raised with the King James Version of the Bible, from the year 1611.

Now, there was a new paraphrase, called the Living Bible. The Living Bible came out in 1971 and would eventually sell 40 million copies. Many of you may have been a part of the 40 million who owned a Living Bible.

And then a few years later, a very scholarly, very respected new translation emerged, the New international Version New Testament I clearly remember loving my NIV New Testament that came out in 1973, and waiting patiently for the entire Bible to come out in 1978. Something was different. People were devouring their Bibles in a different way. All of a sudden, the parables, and the epistles were available in a clear, easy to understand version. It was wonderful. People had a hunger for good teaching. And even if you weren ’ t a part of a strong Bible preaching church, there was this wonderful new thing available – cassette tapes. Long before the days of podcasts, this was your way to interact with some of the nation ’ s most outstanding Bible teachers. What about Christian music?

Rod Gillespie

Regardless of someone ’ s age, God can teach you and mold you. I... continue to join in the hope of all believers that one day people from all tribes, tongues, and nations will call upon the Lord as Savior!

Aaron Gillespie


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