Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Books
But to put things in perspective, back in 1950, Bluefield had a population of over 21,500. Today, Bluefield ’ s population is significantly different, about 9,500. The church ’ s budget for the year 1948 was $27,000, and according to this document, Westminster had “ one of the most modern and best equipped church plants in the city. ” As we saw in Chapter 2, Dr. Gunn headed the church during the troublesome years of the Great Depression, and after he went to Louisville, Kentucky, Westminster had a supply pastor for more than two years, from 1943 to 1946 during the critical time period of World War II. Someone was commenting to me on Wednesday night how she was reflecting on the reality that in these very pews, our predecessors prayed during those Depression years; they were praying during the World Wars; they were praying during the Vietnam War, as we pray now -- for our community -- and our world. It was during the war years, that at Beaver High School, students began meeting before the school day started -- to pray for those who were fighting in the World War– specifically, those soldiers who were BHS graduates. Those Morning Devotions continued at BHS for many decades after that.
And only at the cross of Christ can we really know who we are, where we are, and where we are going.
Phil Peterson
Dr. Craig H. Patterson 1946 – 1972
I truly believe that through our testimonies it enables “ other to face their challenges ” rather it may be (spiritually, physically, emotionally, and even financially). Our testimonies give other believers the confidence that our God is no respecter of person. For there is nothing too hard for God to do. He makes the impossible possible. For God is still a miracle working God. He is the same God yesterday, today and forever.
When World War II was over, the church ’ s opportunity for service was much greater, and on December 2, 1945, a call went out to the Rev. Craig Houston Patterson, then pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Williamson, West Virginia. Dr. Patterson was the son of a prominent Presbyterian family on the mission field in China. He was installed as Westminster ’ s third regular pastor on Feb 17, 1946. Dr. Pat was born in China, but educated at Washington and Lee University and Union Theological Seminary. Dr. Patterson previously held pastorates in Grundy and Tazewell.
And doesn ’ t it warm your heart to see a photo of the young people at Westminster? And included in that group of young people, is a very young Charlie Hoge, on the far right.
Rev. Mike Barnes
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