Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Books
For Trinity Methodist, ground was broken in 1920, while the building was being constructed, services were conducted in the nearby Fairview School.
We, along with our four daughters, were drawn close to the Lord during the great revival at Westminster during the early 1970s. The Lord used this awakening to spread the Gospel throughout the area in addition to Westminster. Bluefield seemed to come alive!
Any former Fairview Falcons here? Can you imagine Sunday morning
church services in that school gymnasium?
Hazel and Charlie Cauthen
When was the last time you reflected on Westminster ’ s legacy to you, our church body, and the community locally and throughout the world? I was blessed to have been taught about the love of God and His grace by truly exceptional individuals during my youth at Westminster … Today, reflect on those who came before you, who God used to form your foundations for following Jesus Christ, your Savior. Praise God with a thankful heart for these blessings.
Membership quickly grew to 600. The new Trinity Church building cost $150,000 and was dedicated in 1923. It was originally known as the Adams Street Methodist Church, but later, it was named Trinity, partly because it was the third Methodist Church in the city.
We mentioned College Avenue Baptist in Chapter One. What a fascinating story! In 1917, five men had a dream of their own for the spiritual development of South Bluefield. On their own, these five men purchased land -- hoping that one day, a Baptist Church would go there. And, surprise, in 1923, College Avenue Baptist Church was completed, and it began with 211 charter members. Okay, a very random observation – technically, College Avenue Baptist Church faces Jefferson Street.
Laura Rush
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