Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Book

The expansion era continued with the purchase of two pieces of residential property adjoining the church. For years, one house was used for overflowing activities; it would eventually be razed for the new educational building. A vacant lot right next to the church was a popular place for young people to have picnics, so a number of our church young people were not happy to learn that the educational building was going to be built there, thus eliminating their perfect picnic spot. But with Westminster bursting at the seams, due to a lack of room, the congregation voted in 1956 to build a huge Fellowship Hall and upstairs classrooms at a costs of $175,000.

History was made at a dinner on May 16 at the West Virginian Hotel, when $100,000 was pledged in an hour and a half— “ the largest sum ever raised at such an affair in Bluefield. ” You may recognize Lloyd and Bela Feuchtenberger in this photo, and there ’ s a paper model of the new building in front.

It would be impossible to convey my gratitude for Westminster in one page … Not only did I enjoy the young people, but I also appreciated the involvement of the parents, the session, and Dr. Pat. I knew I could count on their support in the youth activities.

With great excitement and anticipation, by the end of that week, $158,000 had been pledged.

Diana Davis

Our new Fellowship hall was dedicated on November 7, 1957. You may recognize Joyce Walker in that photo. (And isn ’ t it a shame that now decades later, we can ’ t name all the other individuals in this historic church photo.)


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