Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Book

On a side note, there are a few items that you may see around the church and sometimes wonder about –

As an adult, I compare every church I have been to, to Westminster. I think the magic of the Candlelight Service, the family - like atmosphere and Kaki ’ s food at WOW are hard to beat. Thank you, Westminster, for loving and nurturing me when I needed it the most.

There ’ s the small container of stones on the table there by the elevator entrance. Some of you will remember that day that you were given a stone. Just like stones of remembrance were used in the Old Testament to remind them of God ’ s faithfulness, those small stones are our visual reminder that God was faithful to us during those twelve years of sacrificing to pay off the church renovation. There ’ s another item that bears an explanation. There ’ s one by the table at the Pastor ’ s office. There are two in Patterson Chapel. The artist of this work of art, Tom Clark, worked with Dr.

Kristen Garrett Caudill

Being in youth ministry I have always had moments of heaviness when I would go home from a Bible study unsure if I shared the message well enough. Even during our time together if students didn ’ t respond in a way that I “ felt ” they should I would second guess everything I did. Hearing these... reassured me that it is never by my own strength of power that students or anyone will hear, accept, and be transformed by the message. Being obedient to proclaiming the gospel is my calling and the Holy Spirit will do the rest. Can I get an Amen?

Patterson for two years. After he retired from teaching at Davidson College, Mr. Clark became famous for creating small gnomes. However, he also created other works of art too.

This one is titled “ Parson Patterson. ” It was not meant to necessarily resemble Dr. Pat, but to honor him and all ministers who served during the Great Depression years. In terms of the tiny details that the artist included – there is a pocket watch set for 11:50, suggesting that the Sunday sermon may just be about over.

Very few individuals truly get to leave their mark on a certain place. One exception is our own Doug Bourne. After the renovation, Patterson Chapel had two medium size blank windows that were just “ screaming ” for attention. Doug used some of the original stained glass from windows that had been in the associate pastor ’ s office that was

replaced by an elevator, and was able to get other glass, from what we think may have been the same place where the original sanctuary stained glass was produced. And don ’ t they look like they perfectly match the original sanctuary windows? You ’ d never know that these two windows in Patterson Chapel were created 75 years later. This project was completed in 2002, and was given by Jean Keesling, in memory of her husband, Don Keesling . During the Covid - 19 Pandemic, when most of us were staying close to home, and our church started being streamed on Facebook Live, once again, our

Meghan Hardy

Our time at Westminster EPC, has strong feelings of care and love. Thank you! And Congratulations on 100 years!

talented artisan tackled another area just “ screaming ” for some stained glass, the transom window above the doors by the pastor ’ s office. Although these areas were part of the original Sunday School building, and would not have had stained glass, these three windows now fit perfectly with the rest of the church. Doug dedicated this window in memory of Nathan Goforth.

Chuck and Susan Allen

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