Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Book

Chapter Six

So far, we have looked at 75 years of Westminster history and six church pastors. In this, our final chapter, we will do our best to highlight what God has done in the past 25 years, during the time of our two most recent pastors. In 2001, Westminster ’ s seventh pastor and his family would arrive to their home on Walton Avenue. Rev. Howard H. Finkel 2001 - 2010

I saw “ Buzzy ” Rupp and struck up a conversation. I told her that I didn ’ t feel that I deserved all these gifts. I expected that she would say something like “ you ’ re a godly follower of Christ and God loves you and wants you to be happy and live a fruitful life ”. To my surprise, she said “ No, you don ’ t deserve any of it ”. She taught me the true

Originally from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, our seventh pastor, Howard Finkel, has a fascinating conversion story. Some of you may remember the “ Jesus ” movie that was released in 1979. As a young man raised in the Jewish faith, Howard went with curiosity to see the “ Jesus ” movie. When he came out of the movie theater, he had a new faith, the Christian faith.

meaning of Grace (Ephesians 2:8 - 9).

Hoss Kitts

Howard loved theology. He loved Reformed Theology. He loved books, and he loved the writings of C.S. Lewis. Howard loved to give books away. If you mentioned a certain topic in conversation, within a few days, our pastor would probably give you a book related to that topic. I ’ m sure there are many of you today who have a book that Howard personally gave to you.

Howard also loved to be generous. The wooden cross that hangs over the plaster grillwork that covers our organ pipes, that was a gift from Howard. The brass communion vessels that we use, they were a gift from Howard.

As weeks turned into months … I felt that this was exactly where God wanted me to be in order to grow in my walk with Him … I thank God and my son for leading me to Westminster these last 25 years.

Howard also loved to be generous to individuals in the church too. Our oldest son, Jonathan, had mowed lawns for many summers and had saved diligently for his very first, very used first car. Through no fault of his own, within 24 hours, it was totaled in an accident. Within another 24 hours, Howard was at our house, yes, to console Jonathan on the sad loss of his first car, but also to hand our son some money, to put toward what might go to replace it. Howard loved to give. Howard also loved to visit the sick and the shut in.

Jane Huffman

Linda Finkel, was the Director of Children ’ s Ministries. During her time at Westminster, and under her

leadership, a new children ’ s ministry was introduced, a Puppet Ministry.

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