Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Book
Westminster has a wonderful history of short term mission ’ s opportunities to places like Uganda, Jamaica, Mexico, Chattanooga, and McDowell County.
When I was in college, I would look forward to visiting WPC, heading to the Fellowship Hall between Sunday School and church for a frozen Coke. It wasn ’ t the Coke that drew me, but knowing my church family would be glad to see me, checking in with my life and showing love.
Serving as Chairman of the Missions ’ Committee for many years, Jim Thomason worked on a building project in Mexico. At one time, many years ago, it was estimated that over 150 members had been a part of a Westminster short term missions trips. I count thirteen different ministries that originated during this exciting 27 year time period. Praise the Lord! One of the most significant chapters in our church history was the decision to stay or leave the denomination, Presbyterian Church USA. Through a series of evening congregational meetings, the matter was presented and thoroughly and respectfully discussed. Eventually a vote would be taken on January 6, 1991, and it was decided to leave this denomination that we had been a part of, and to become part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. During this time, our pastor, very wisely, never told us what his position was. He wanted it to be the church ’ s decision. How thankful we can be that God allowed there to be a spirit of unity during this significant chapter of our church. The motto of the EPC -- "In Essentials, Unity. In Non - Essentials, Liberty. In All Things, Charity; Truth In Love."
Katherine Jonas
The upcoming centennial celebration gives us the opportunity to look back and to give thanks for those who came before us so that we might be together in this place one hundred years later. But … just as importantly, the centennial is also the time to ask, “ Where do we go from here ”? “ How do we engage with our community and communicate the gospel in 2023… 2033… 2043”? May the words of the ancient text (Hebrews 12:1,2) guide us as we look back over the past one hundred years with thanksgiving … and as we look to Jesus with thanksgiving for the race set before us.
Tim Mitchell fondly recalls that, “ Westminster continued to express fruitfulness in church life and ministry under Jeff ’ s wise leadership. Jeff led Westminster in “ revisioning ” our purpose, initiating a much - needed building campaign, actively promoting missions and participating in medical missions trips... Jeff brought stability and unity to Westminster as we explored contemporary and traditional worship services. He was greatly appreciated for his compassion and comforting presence as families experienced crisis and pain and the loss of loved ones. ”
Tim Havens
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