Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Book
Chapter Five
In the first four chapters, we ’ ve covered 50 years of church history. Today, we ’ ll cover 27. In order to finish our story before the Centennial Celebration, we ’ ll tell the story of two pastors in this chapter and two more in the next. Three of our first four pastors came from active missionary families. Last week, we concluded with Rev. Al Bixler, also from a missionary family, and Al had the philosophy that a minister should not be at a church for more than eight years, and Al was here for eight years. Who would be next? It wouldn ’ t be the son of a missionary family this time. It would be someone who had grown up on a small farm, in a small community in northern Illinois. Dr. Roger K. Gulick 1982 - 1988
And perhaps together we have had a peek into comprehending with all the saints the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ. How vast. How measureless. How marvelous. And for all this I will be
eternally grateful for Westminster Church and her saints.
After graduating from the University of Illinois, Roger Gulick served as an engineering officer in the Navy, then hearing God ’ s call and graduating from Fuller Theological Seminary. Arriving at Westminster in 1982, he was sometimes known as Dr. Gulick, sometimes known as Roger, but most of the time, it was “ Roger and Joy. ”
Linda Finkel
Those two were definitely a team. Joy came from Ocean Grove, New Jersey, and was working on her master ’ s degree in Christian Ed. when Roger snagged her as his bride, before she could finish her degree. Joy had an enthusiasm and energy and cheer that permeated everything she did. During their years here, God was doing His work through the study of His Word through small groups.
May we never cease striving for unity and fellowship. It is so prevalent within our church family, it can easily be taken for granted that it will always exist. Yet, the vibrancy of our church family exists because these characteristics have been well - tended by each member for a century. Let us continue to work towards this good in our support of one another through life ’ s joys and trials, but also for the benefit of Westminster Presbyterian Church to exist in the years to come to serve the people of the Two Virginias.
A new type of Bible Study, the Bethel Bible Study, where you study 40 different lessons. Each lesson is based on very detailed artwork and very specific symbolism that has been tied to the artwork. This was an intensive program. Jerry Goodson recalls that he and Ruth “ along with several others, were trained by Roger for three hours each Sunday night for two years in preparation for teaching Bethel to the congregation. ” One of the key themes of the Bethel series is -- that we have been blessed to be a blessing. The Bethel Series was taught here for several years. Lucky Goforth recalls that he used to play tennis with our pastor. Before Roger would start, he would put on an assortment of braces and bandages so he looked like the “ walking wounded ” —until they started playing, where our beloved pastor would then proceed to destroy our respected dentist. Small groups were a focus of Roger ’ s ministry. Jerry Goodson recalls, “ Small groups was the subject of Roger ’ s doctoral thesis. Our first experience was being invited to Jim and Diane Gatherum ’ s group at their home. It got us started being integrated into church life when we joined Westminster. ”
Josh Cline
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