Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Book

From one church document, we learn that Dr. Patterson ’ s philosophy was - -

And what a great photograph of a Sunday morning service, probably a photograph needed for an anniversary publication or a church directory, because otherwise, we typically don ’ t take photographs of Sunday morning worship services. Thank you Mr. Grubb for capturing another important image in our church history. Yes ladies, your fashionable hats are duly noted, and yes, we are sure you are also wearing gloves, and dresses, and stockings, and heels. And every male certainly had on a white dress shirt, and necktie, and sport coat, and leather dress shoes. But, let ’ s get back to our story.

We are so grateful for this body of Christ that has had such a big impact on forming who we are, where we have gone to serve, and what we value and hold to be true. Even from halfway around the world and 30 years later, Westminster is still our dear church family and home.

In 1950, Westminster started another local outreach, Westminster Chapel, a small chapel was built on the eastern fringe of Bluefield, off of Groveland Avenue in an area that did not have a church nearby.

Tim and Kim Mitchell

In the 1950s, the Argonauts offered times of recreation and fellowship for young adults.


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