Westminster Presbyterian Centennial Books

Now, unto Him who is able to keep, able to keep you from falling, and present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy. To the only wise God, our Savior,

be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen

Back in the 1970s, while Peggy and George McCulloch were working with music for the ministry of Lay Renewals, George found this in a songbook and loved it.

He showed it to Garland Bruce, and then this powerful, yet simple, chorus became the choral benediction to conclude Westminster worship services for almost 50 of our 100 years.

As the morning worship service concluded with Westminster Brass playing the “ Hallelujah Chorus, ” all 320 folks present for our Centennial Celebration Worship Service relocated to the 25 front church steps for our second - ever group photo. After the photograph was taken and the Centennial Time Capsule had been dedicated, the acapella singing of this beautiful choral benediction may be one of the most touching moments of the entire weekend. The weekend included a dinner on Friday night (with the Fellowship Hall bursting at the seams), then a worship service in the sanctuary. Saturday was one full day with Coffees and Small Groups in the morning. Saturday afternoon, the Fellowship Hall was the location for a huge Youth Group Reunion (complete with plenty of Little Caesar ’ s Pizza ), an Organ Recital, and then another dinner and worship service. What a glorious time of worship and fellowship.

“ Our Story, Your Story, His Story ”


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