Westminster Presbyterian Centennial Books

One of the early changes that Jonathan introduced involved Wednesday night Bible study. One member recalls that when Jonathan announced that he wanted to initiate small groups on Wednesday night after the meal that she was downright skeptical and not too happy, firmly believing that this will never work. However, she, like many, many others, has come to delight in our small groups that meet on Wednesday nights. Wednesday nights – it ’ s just one ministry that we could easily take for granted,

I have looked to Acts 1:8 as a call to service; to Hebrews for strength, and to II Timothy 2:15 for how to prepare for service.

because it ’ s just a regular part of our week. The wonderful Wednesday night dinners, once called the 7:27 Hour, then re - named WOW, Westminster on Wednesday, by Fadwa Hartzog when she led Adult Ministries at the church, would, for a short season be known as COW, Carry Out Wednesdays. During the months of Covid isolation, our amazing kitchen crew and

Rudy Jennings

As a single adult until age 46, the Singles Ministry was a true blessing to have a group of single adults to study God ’ s Word together, attend various events and enjoy life with “ like minded persons. ” This is one “ group of adults ” that most churches are missing in service. Thankfully, WPC has such a ministry. I thank the Lord for His church – our church. We are blessed beyond measure to have WPC in our lives, community and being used by our Lord for His glory!

staff did not miss a beat in providing meals to our folks. Can you imagine

Westminster without its Wednesday night meal and programs?

Oh, the joy of having taste buds to enjoy Kaki ’ s cooking from many homemade family

recipes, and the joy of good conversation. Kaki started serving us Wednesday dinners in 2006. If I did my math correctly, that ’ s been at least 475 meals for

somewhere between 75 - 100 people . (And some of you, like me, have probably been there to enjoy almost every single one of them!)

How thankful we can be for Kaki and her diligent Kitchen Crew who helps prepare, serve, and clean up. How blessed we are to have had this ministry for over 50 years in our church. I just can ’ t imagine what we ’ d be like as a church without Wednesday night fellowship.

Lindsey Grubb Barilla

We get to know each other in a real and wonderful way as we share a meal together and then discuss God ’ s Word. We certainly can ’ t mention every individual who has left their mark at Westminster.


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