Westminster Presbyterian Centennial Books
Legend has it, that this expansive renovation all started with a plan to upgrade the women ’ s restroom by the Fellowship Hall. Do you recognize the Fellowship Hall?
We sit in a sanctuary that has had refinished pews, new carpeting, new lighting, and wiring, air conditioning, and a fresh coat of paint. Ah, the scaffolding that was in this sanctuary then!
How thankful we can be that this epic renovation has already taken place, and that we are not faced with that daunting task today. Indeed, thank You, Lord.
Jeff and I were both brought up in the Presbyterian church and had a solid foundation of who God is and the basic stories of the Bible. But, Westminster became the place where we received our second biblical foundation. It is the place where we learned more about Jesus and encountered a living God and a relationship with Him... Our time at Westminster was short but the impact tremendous … Regardless of how long we ’ ve been away, Westminster ’ s fingerprints have left an indelible mark on our family.
Through the pledging of funds in the “ Building on our Legacy of Faith ” campaign, we saw God ’ s hand at work, as this solid structure -- with really good bones -- got renovated and modernized to continue to serve for ministry.
And when it was all done, we celebrated, with a Fellowship Hall bursting at the seams.
Christy Presseau
During this time, we celebrated a 75 th anniversary. And for the first time ever, we took a group photograph of everyone. In thirteen days, let ’ s do that again. Our 100 year anniversary, our Centennial Celebration Weekend will be here soon, in just two weeks.
We hope you ’ ll be here for every event you can. We hope you ’ re praying about what God has for our church this weekend. We hope you ’ re praying for what God has for you that weekend as we rejoice that we get to celebrate “ Our Story, Your Story, and definitely, His Story. ”
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