Westminster Presbyterian Centennial Books

Harold Ockenga, founder of Gordon Conwell seminary

Sam Patterson, instrumental in founding Reformed Theological Seminary

One of the many special moments during our time at Westminster was the baptism of my mother, Pauline, who, in her nineties, gave her life to Jesus; proving that people of all ages can become a “ child of God ” through faith and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Harold Lindsell, outstanding Christian author of The Battle for the Bible Steve Brown, who still has a regular podcast where he refers to himself as “ the old white guy ”

with his Key Life Ministries

Michael Horton, well - known Reformed speaker with The White Horse Inn.

Dave Thomas

And a number of these speakers weren ’ t just here once, they came back two or three times. The story goes that they just couldn ’ t say “ no ” to Rev. Al Bixler. Some of you will recognize some wonderful

faces in this church staff photo, Ned Rutland, minister of education, Eleanor Hall, church secretary, Lucille Simmerman, financial secretary, a very young Garland Bruce, organist, and Pauline Perdue, church hostess.

From 1955 - 2000, for 45 years, Garland Bruce enhanced our worship with his wonderful organ music. That ’ s over 2300 Sunday morning services to prepare for, and to practice with choir, too.

Garland Bruce and Hazel Cauthen, 1979 what a dynamic duo they were!

In 1973, it was time to celebrate a fiftieth anniversary for Westminster with a marble paperweight. Chairman of that anniversary was H. Edward Steele. Eddie was well respected for his weekly column of local news in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph. He was also the brainchild of free lemonade when temperatures reach 90 degrees in “ Nature ’ s Air Conditioned City; ” that title was also his idea. In 2003, a year after his death, the East River Mountain Tunnel, completed in 1974, was re - designated “ The H. Edward Steele Memorial Tunnel ” to recognize his vigorous and successful efforts for bringing Interstate I - 77 through the mountains of Bluefield, WV.

For some of you, the details of this spiritual renewal are a meaningful part of your own story. For many of you, this is information of a time long before you were born. Nevertheless, it ’ s an important chapter in the life of our church, your church. We don ’ t worship the past, but Scripture admonishes us not to forget it, either. God is honored when we recall the great and mighty things He has done. “ It only takes -- a spark to get a fire going, and soon, all those around will warm up to its glowing. That ’ s how it is with God ’ s love. Once you ’ ve experienced it, you spread His love, to everyone. You want to pass it on. ”


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