Westminster Presbyterian Centennial Books
Bob Harrington, known as the “ Chaplain of Bourbon Street, ” filled Mitchell Stadium with nightly crusade meetings, calling people to make a decision for Christ. He gave out red and white stickers that said, “ It ’ s Fun Being Saved. ” There was a very active group of Bluefield Christian businessmen who helped organize and sponsor events.
I was blessed to have been a part of three missions trips to Uganda and had the opportunity to spend some time with Web Carroll who probably is the most amazing person I have ever met. So much of my life was put into perspective by going on these trips.
Hal Lindsey, author of The Late Great Planet Earth , came to Bluefield.
Well - known singer, Andre Crouch came to Bluefield.
Charlie Flynn
The Imperials came to Bluefield for a concert for our graduating high school seniors.
Dan Peek came to Bluefield. To say that Bluefield was experiencing a spiritual revival, is putting it mildly.
Bluefield had a thriving Christian bookstore on Jefferson Street, The Carpenter Shop, opened in 1972,
Having people in your life is instrumental to living a life God wants you to lead. Obviously, He has to be at the center of it all but having someone to pray with, be in your corner and with you in the moment can be the most
making available Bible study tools, and wonderful new music. Our own, Joan Moore, was among those who regarded this as a real ministry and outreach to the Christians of Bluefield.
fulfilling gift you ’ ll ever receive or give someone.
A movement, a revival, “ The Jesus Revolution ” was spreading across the country, as the recently released movie tells the story. And just before all this seemed to explode, and just after Dr. Patterson had retired after 26 years of successful ministry here, in 1972, the Lord brought to Bluefield, Westminster ’ s fourth pastor in 50 years, the Reverend Alfred Lyon Bixler.
Jonathan Pelts
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