Westminster Presbyterian Centennial Books
The Music Ministry of Westminster was thriving. Music Director and Organist during this time was Henry Bridges, pictured on the far left in this 1953 photo of the Adult Choir. He was married to a Bluefield native, Daisy Wade. Interestingly enough, in addition to his musical talent, he was also remembered for his unusual vehicle, an Isetta, a three wheel vehicle that is steered from the back two wheels. Charlie Belcher recalls that Mr. Bridges was a very tall gentleman who barely fit in his stylish European import.
… but the teaching of one that will always stand out in my mind comes from Fadwa Hartzog and the Bethel Bible Study course where it was engraved in our hearts and minds that we are blessed to be a blessing, a teaching I strive to exhibit each day in my life. This same Godly teacher just happens to be the one that directed our wedding and reminded us over and over during our planning, “ We don ’ t do tacky! ”
Junior Choir 1960
Mary Ann Funari Hare
Active churches have outreach. Sometimes, it is to reach those who live in your own city. You can ’ t tell Westminster ’ s history, or Bluefield ’ s history, without including a program that originated in our church, Bible In The Schools, the vision of two Westminster women, Mrs. James M.
Godwin, Mrs. Robert H. Moore. After years of research and planning and sharing their vision, classes started in 1939. This weekly elective program, taught by college - trained Bible teachers, originated at Beaver High School; eventually, it spread throughout the city ’ s elementary and junior high schools, and as its popularity grew, it would spread all over Mercer County to 19 schools. For 78 years, millions of dollars was raised to provide the Bible program to area students.
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