Warrington Family Cookbook
Congo Squares Prep time Cook time Ready in Serves 15 min 35-40 min 65 min 6
ingredients 2/3 cup of margarine (1 1/2 sticks) 2 cups of brown sugar 3 eggs 2 3/4 cups flour 2 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla 1 cup of nuts (walnuts preferred) 16 oz. chocolate chips
directions 1. Melt margarine in a medium sized bowl. 2. Pour brown sugar into melted margarine, melting them together. 3. In a large separate bowl, sift flour, baking powder, salt, and vanilla. 4. Stir sugar/margarine mixture into large sifted bowl until a thick batter forms. Cool mixture. 5. Once cool, add nuts and chocolate chips. Batter will be very thick. 6. Place batter into 9x12 floured pan. 7. Cook 30 minutes at 350. Cut while warm.
C l a u d e t t e W a r r i n g t o n Original from Lou Fisher of Brightlea Drive
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