Warrington Family Cookbook
Chocolate Eggs Prep time Cook time Ready in Serves 20 min 30 min 50 min 10
ingredients 8 oz Cream Cheese 1 Stick Butter/margarine 1 tsp. vanilla 5 1/3 Cups Confectionery Sugar 2 Cups Peanut Butter
directions 1. Soften the cream cheese and butter.
2. While softening, put into a double boiler 2/3 of a cake of wax and 24 oz of chocolate chips. Heat till melted, stirring often to blend. Leave on stove till ready to dip your eggs. 3. Once cream cheese and butter are soft, blend together with a fork then add Peanut butter, mix together well. 4. Gradually stir in your confectionery sugar. If dough is sticky, simply add more confectionery sugar. 5. Using approximately 1 Tbls of dough, roll into a ball/egg shape. Use less if you want smaller eggs. Chill if needed for an hour. 6. Roll out a long sheet of wax paper. Using a toothpick, insert into dough and dip into the hot melted chocolate placing on wax paper to cool. Refrigerate till ready to eat!
Chocolate covering: 24 oz Chocolate Chips 2/3 of a cake of wax
S a n d y W a r r i n g t o n
(Recipe from 8th Grade Home Ec Class)
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