Warrington Family Cookbook
Mary’s Leek Soup Prep time Cook time Ready in Serves
ingredients 3-4 Leeks, trimmed of dark green tops, leave 2 inches of green on white of leek Extra virgin olive oil 1 bay leaf 6 russet potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced 6 cups chicken stock (or broth) Salt and pepper
directions 1. Cut leeks in half lengthwise and slice into ½ inch pieces. Place leeks in a large bowl filled with cold water. Swish leeks around and the sane will fall to the bottom of the bowl and they will be ready. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and bay leaf to the bottom of a large pot. Shake off excess water and add to pot. Season with salt and pepper. Sauté leeks in olive oil. Peel potatoes and thinly slice them adding them to the pot as you go, stirring occasionally. Once all the potatoes are in the pot, add the chicken stock and bring to a boil. 2. Uncover and simmer 12 to 15 min. until potatoes are very tender. Break up potatoes to slightly thicken the soup. Remove the bay leaf and enjoy!
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