Warrington Family Cookbook
Yellow Split Pea Soup Prep time Cook time Ready in Serves 24 hrs. 1 hr. 1 hr. 6-8
ingredients 16 oz. package of yellow split peas (or green) ½ - ¾ cups of regular rice Salt & pepper Ham
directions 1. Soak peas overnight, drain water 2. Fill pan with the amount of water wanted for soup (1/2 to ¾ of a pot) 3. Add ham hock and one whole onion and boil for about 1 hour 4. Add ½ - ¾ cups of regular rice 5. Add peas 6. Cook until tender. (Ham may be added if desired. Onion can be removed.) 7. Salt and pepper to taste.
Onion Water
C l a u d e t t e W a r r i n g t o n
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