Warrington Family Cookbook
Memere’s Pasta Soup Prep time Cook time Ready in Serves 5 min. 15 min. 20 min. 6
ingredients 12 cups of water
10 beef bouillon cubes 2 Chicken bouillon cubes 2/3 cups of regular rice 1 cup of macaroni 1 handful of spaghetti 1 can of tomatoes (bits & pieces or 1 can of whole tomatoes, cut up)
directions 1. Bring water and bouillon to a boil. 2. Add rice and cook for five minutes. Add macaroni and cook for 5 min. Add spaghetti and cook till done. 3. Add tomatoes, heat till soup starts to bubble – then remove from heat. Salt and pepper. Bouillon cubes are salty, so taste before seasoning
Aunt Mary: Whole wheat pastas and rice makes this dish even healthier!
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