Warrington Family Cookbook

Sheppard’s Pie Prep time Bake time Ready in Serves 30 min N/A 30 min 5

ingredients 1 pound of ground beef 1 can of Kernel Corn Mashed Potatoes

directions 1. Make mashed potatoes. 2. Brown meat and drain.

3. Drain kernel corn and add to top of hamburger. 4. Add mashed potatoes on top of that...wonderful!

Mary: I use ground turkey instead of hamburger and add a can of creamed corn with the kernel corn...just a smidge different...some- times I use brown rice instead of mashed potatoes...okay now we are really straying away from the original recipe...a little cheddar cheese can be added on top, either real chease or veggie cheese.

I r m a C o t e

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