Warrington Family Cookbook
The Warrington Family Cookbook
Tiana from“The Princess and the Frog” had a very cute quote at one point in the movie. As she served up breakfast to her friend’s father, “Big Daddy La Bouff”, she playfully noted “The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. The quote is super adorable and memorable, however, I’d like to mention a less- er known quote from earlier in the movie. At the very beginning of the movie, Tiana’s father had a great quote about food: “You know the thing about good food? It brings folks together from all walks of life. It warms them right up and it puts little smiles on their faces”. I feel like that sums up this cook-book just right. Whether it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter, we’re always surrounded by good food and smiling faces at family gatherings. As you and Rob become a family of your own, I wanted the two of you to take a little piece of those gather- ings, and have them in your home wherever your lives take you. A lot of family members of our family contributed to this cookbook, and I hope that you’ll love all the tasty recipes they sent in for the many years to come :)
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