Warrington Family Cookbook
Small Ham Quiche Pockets Prep time Cook time Ready in Makes 15 min 13-15 min 30 min 12
ingredients 1-2.5 oz. processed ham 1/2 cup shredded swiss cheese 1 pkg. crescent rolls 1 1/12 tsp. dion mustard 1/4 cup small onion 1 egg 1/4 tsp. pepper
directions 1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Blend together cheese, egg, mustard, and pepper. Chop small/fine the ham and onion. 3. Spray muffin tins with oil. 4. Unroll crescent roll dough and with a rolling pin, roll out and cut into 12 slices. Push dough into regular size muffin tins. 5. Spoon misture into each and bake for approximately 13-15 min. until golden brown and egg is done. (This can be made in mini muffin tins as well - cut smaller, and makes 24).
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