Warrington Family Cookbook
Oatmeal Bread Prep time Cook time Ready in Serves 2 hr 45 min 2 hr 45 min 2 loaves & 12 rolls ingredients 2 cups quick quaker oats (If using regular oats, sit in warm water for a few minutes) 1 tbsp salt 3 tbsp sugar 1 or 2 packets of yeast to lukewarm water 4 cups water - 2 hot, 2 cold (to make lukewarm) 2 Tbsp. crisco Approximately 2 quarts of flour to mix
directions 1. Mix above ingredients adding flour to make stiff dough. 2. Knead well. 3. Place back into bowl, cover with towel and let rise, approximately 45 min. 4. Punch down and put dough into 2 greased loaf pans and greased round pan for rolls. Cover and allow to rise again under towel. 5. Bake at 375 for 45 min. If bread quickly browns, turn down to 325 degrees. 6. Spread melted butter over top when done!
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