Virginia Highlands Community College 2024 Commencement Program

Commencement Speakers

Kaitlyn Woodby Associates of Arts and Sciences in General Studies

There have been many “firsts” for Kaitlyn Woodby of Bristol during her time at VHCC. Most notably, upon graduation Woodby will be the first in her family to earn a college degree. She got a jump-start on her Associate of Arts and Sciences degree by taking college-level courses through Virginia Highlands while she was still in high school. When Woodby isn’t studying or working as an at-risk mentor for Highlands Community Services, her favorite activities are photography, reading and hiking. In addition to enjoying serving as the Secretary for the VHCC Student Government Association and being a member of PTK, Woodby says that her “favorite memory at VHCC was being chosen to represent the Arts and Sciences Division in Richmond at the Virginia General Assembly. This experience was very important to me and allowed me to connect with senators, delegates, and representatives to speak with them about the betterment of VHCC.” After graduation from VHCC, Woodby plans to attend Radford University to major in psychology and criminal justice to prepare her for a career as a forensic psychologist. As words of reflection for the Class of 2024, Woodby says, “I would not be the person I am today without VHCC… it has allowed me to find my place, given me amazing opportunities, and made me into a better person. This looks different for everyone, but I encourage you to always have a goal or a dream and work to turn it into reality. You should always be working to be the best you that you can be.” Ella Jackson Certificate in Accounting and Information Systems Technology Ella Jackson of Abingdon has a deep love of family, farming, and furry critters. Raised on a ranch where her family trains Quarter Horses and raises Angus Beef cattle, Jackson has been around animals her entire life. Jackson lights up when she talks about her two sheep, Bonnie and Clyde, a bottle-fed calf named Smokey, and a one-eyed horse named Sun Dance. When she’s not in class or helping on the farm, Jackson enjoys being outdoors riding horses, kayaking, and hiking. Like many VHCC students, Jackson graduated from high school undecided about her career path, but knowing she wanted to stay close to family and the animals she loves. She chose to attend Virginia Highlands and says that “at first, the thought of attending college was absolutely terrifying but after experiencing the welcoming and supportive environment, I knew I could do it!” One of her favorite memories at VHCC was getting to be the Wolf Mascot in the Abingdon Holiday Parade in 2023. As for what’s next, Jackson has already secured her dream job as a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor where she will partner with horses in riding sessions for children and adults that have mental, physical or emotional challenges and delays. In offering words of advice to the Class of 2024, Jackson says, “Do what you love and love what you do.”


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