Virginia Capitol Connections Winter 2019
Listed below are the active VCU Wilder School Translational Research Fellows and their areas of expertise [in brackets]. Any legislative or executive branch office interested in scheduling a conversation with one of the Fellows should contact the Wilder School’s Center for Public Policy outreach office at or (804) 827-2603. Policy briefs from each fellow can be downloaded at
Blythe Bowman Balestrieri, Ph.D., L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs [Inmate litigation, correctional law, healthcare in Jails] R. Wayne Barbee, Ph.D., School of Medicine [Circulatory shock and resuscitation, oversight of animal research programs] Tegwyn Brickhouse, D.D.S., Ph.D., School of Dentistry [Oral health disparities and health services research, utilization of dental services in public programs]
Nancy Jallo, Ph.D., R.N.C., F.N.P.-BC, W.H.N.P.-BC, C.N.S., School of Nursing [Premature birth, maternal well-being] James Keck, M.H.A., L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs
[Emergency preparedness, continuity of operations planning] Suzanne Mazzeo, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, College of Humanities and Sciences [Eating disorders, role of culture on eating behaviors]
Melanie Buffington, Ph.D., VCUarts School [Culturally responsive pedagogy, public art] J. Brian Cassel, Ph.D., School of Medicine [Palliative care, health policy]
Damian Pitt, Ph.D., L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs
[Solar energy policy and planning, climate action planning] Genevieve Seigel-Hawley, Ph.D., School of Education [Race, stratification and inequality in American schools] Shelly Smith, DNP, School of Nursing [Access to medical care, training of Nurse Practitioners] Gregory Triplett, Ph.D., School of Engineering [Nanotechnology, computational intelligence] Jasmin Vassileva, Ph.D., School of Medicine [Drug and alcohol abuse prevention]
Hayley Cleary, Ph.D., L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs [Adolescent development in legal contexts, juvenile justice policy] Liz Coston, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, College of Humanities and Sciences
[Criminology, gender and sexuality, race/ethnicity] Mary Kay Goldschmidt, DNP, RN, APHN-BC, School of Nursing [Community health, child abuse, trauma prevention]
Virginia’s Public Policy Experts The Wilder School informs public policy through cutting-edge research and community engagement while preparing students to be tomorrow’s leaders. Our Center for Public Policy provides expertise through leadership development, impact analysis, survey insights and program evaluation. Our Public Policy Poll offers insights every winter and summer into key Virginia policy and political topics.
SusanT. Gooden, Ph.D. InterimDean&Professor
Advance your career through our nationally recognized academic programs: • Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration • Master’s degrees in Criminal Justice, Homeland Security, Public Administration, and Urban and Regional Planning • Certificate programs ideal for mid-career professionals • Ranked 44th best graduate public affairs program in the country in the most recent U.S. News & World Report rankings @VCUWilderSchool
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