Virginia Capitol Connections Winter 2019
university.” It says University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, ODU, GMU, NSU, JMU, CNN, VCU, Radford, Bluefield College, University of Richmond or any of 20 or more different prominent universities. What a deal! Final Reflection In today’s economy, higher education is no longer a luxury for the privileged few, but a necessity for individual economic opportunity and competitiveness in the job market. Skills and education will determine success for individuals and their families. Thus, a college education in which a workforce credential, associate degree, bachelor’s degree or beyond are earned remains the best investment a student can make to invent his or her future. If it is true that the average work life income of a college graduate is more than $1 million compared to a high school diploma that means the value of each of the four years to earn a degree is $250,000. But averages are deceiving and future incomes are determined largely by the student’s choices are to areas of study. A 2+2 Plan with the community college serving as a pathway to Virginia’s four-year institutions is a very viable option to more and more students who want a quality education at the least cost and lower long term debt. Under Virginia law, four-year institutions are encouraged to create guaranteed admissions and dual admissions programs in which a student can benefit from seamless transfer of credits and enrollment at both the community college and university of choice simultaneously. Sharing of facilities such as libraries, student advisors, coarse coordination, student organizations and a defined pathway could benefit families, especially first generation students. Such flexibility will allow students to not only best predict their future but have a guiding hand in creating it. The author served in the Virginia Senate from 1992-2016, serving as Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and the patron of legislation to establish the Guaranteed Admissions Agreements with Community Colleges and Four-year Colleges and Universities. Stosch also was patron of the Community College Transfer Grant and Veterans’ Community College Credits for Military Experience legislation and is a co-founder of GRASP (GReat Aspirations Scholarship Program, Inc.), a charitable education foundation which assists families with financial aid options after high school. Senator Stosch is a Certified Public Accountant and retired partner with Deloitte & Touche, member of the State Board for Community Colleges and the Virginia529 Board. He earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Richmond. To save on education expenses, check out the Virginia529 plan on Save for future qualified higher education expenses in tax-advantaged accounts. A 529 plan is a savings plan that helps families save. Your money can grow, free from federal taxes. A 529 account can be set up for anyone, including yourself—and you can change the beneficiary to another family member without penalty at any time.
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