Virginia Capitol Connections 2019 Red Book
cancer into the future. HUPTI is a catalyst for new scienti
discoveries and increasingly accurate, advanced care for
cancer patients,” Harvey said. HUPTI treats a broad variety of cancers including, but not limited to some of the most
technically challenging cases of prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, ocular
cancer, cancers of the brain and spine, head and neck, GI; and pediatric.
hampton university proton therapy institute hampton university proton therapy institute 40 enterprise parkway, hampton, virginia 23666 757-251-6800 - 40 enterprise park ay, hampton, virginia 23666 757-251-6800 -
August 2010. Since its inception, HUPTI has now treated well over 2,000 patients to date. “As a patient treatment
largest, free-standing proton therapy institute which has been treating patients since
facility as well as a research and education center, HUPTI builds upon Hampton’s legacy of knowledge and innovation.
HUPTI doctors and researchers are further developing the science of proton therapy and
remain at the vanguard against
Call us today for a consultation at (877) 251-6800 Call us today for a consultation at (877) 251-6800
Hampton University has one of only 28 proton centers in the U.S. Hampton University has one of only 28 proton centers in the U.S.
about two minutes or less, with each appointment being 20 to 30 minutes per day for one to nine weeks.
healthy cells unharmed • Treatment delivery takes
The men and women whose lives were saved by this
as those who work at the facility each and every day. Dr. William R. Harvey, a true
lifesaving technology are as passionate about the treatment
humanitarian, led the efforts of HUPTI becoming the world’s
You’ve heard the phrases before: as comfortable as possible;as e Hampton University Proton erapy Institute e Hampton University Proton erapy Institute normal as possible; as effective as possible. At Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute (HUPTI), we don’t want you to live a good life considering you have cancer; we want you to live a good life, period, and be free of what others define as possible. behind heart disease. Those states are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. in many states. The Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute (HUPTI) is uniquely poised to make a difference. The proton therapy used at HUPTI continues to be an innovative and effective nonsurgical, noninvasive cancer treatment. It’s primary advantages include: • Minimal or reduced side effects • Pencil Beam Scanning
technology results in a high degree of precision, leaving
The latest statistics released by the American Cancer Society’s annual report confirms that
cancer cases will significantly outpace the population growth
Easing Human Misery and Saving Lives Easing Human Misery and Saving Lives
Cancer is killing people at an alarming rate all across our
country. It is now the leading cause of death in 22 states,
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