Virginia Capitol Connections 2019 Red Book
Senate During Session Send Mail to: The Honorable ______________ Pocahontas Building Richmond, VA 23219 Salutation: Dear Senator __________ President of the Senate The Honorable Justin Fairfax ( D ) Lieutenant Governor–804.786.2078 President Pro Tempore The Honorable Steve Newman ( R ) Pocahontas Building, Room E604 804.698.7523 Majority Leader The Honorable Thomas K. Norment ( R ) Pocahontas Building, Room E603 804.698.7503 Minority Leader The Honorable Richard S. Saslaw ( D ) Pocahontas Building, Room E602 804.698.7535 Clerk of the Senate The Honorable Susan Clarke Schaar Office 804.698.7400 Salutation: Dear Mrs. Schaar Finance Committee Staff –804.698.7480 Information –804.698.7410 or 888-892.6948 Committees – standingcommittees.php FAX Number for Senators –804.698.7651 Faxes are received by legislators as e-mail attachments. Refer to the district fax number when the General Assembly is not in session. Deputy Clerk –804.698.7400 Committee Clerks –804.698.7450
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