Virginia Capitol Connections Winter 2023
A Capitol In Transition In 2024 the Virginia General Assembly will miss scores of experienced lawmakers in the greatest legislative turnover since reconstruction. This transition, driven by redistricting, led to the departure of 15 dedicated senators and 22 delegates. In this issue of Virginia Capitol Connections, we pay homage to the remarkable public servants bidding adieu to the legislature. Many of these people were familiar fixtures in the political landscape, having shared their wisdom and expertise with us since the 70s and 80s. Some journeys were more fleeting, with a few legislators only serving one term. Nevertheless, each of them played an indispensable part in the General Assembly. Some are retiring after years of service or moving on to other government posts, while others are leaving for political reasons like the loss of their party nomination. One former legislator, Jennifer McClellan, now serves as a US Congresswoman. Although we are proud to see her serving as Virginia’s first Black congresswoman, the legislature will mourn the loss of nearly 16 years of experience with her departure. In this issue, we profile these 37 members who will not be returning for the 2024 session. Many of the profiles are written by the people who knew them the best — their fellow legislators, constituents and the journalists who watched their careers unfold. We hope that future legislators will take the lessons of their careers to heart, carrying their legacy into the future. While the upcoming election will bring even more change, this issue profiles only the legislators who are not on the ballot in November. We extend a special thank you to all of the individuals who made the effort to get elected, serve, and make a difference. You will be missed and remembered. The Virginia Capitol Connections Team A Thanks to Our Writers Thanks to the efforts of over 30 colleagues, friends, and journalists, Virginia Capitol Connections is pleased to bring these remarkable stories of service to our commonwealth. It is out of gratitude these writers recount the careers of those dedicated to public service and, for many, who will continue to be dedicated long after their leave from the legislature. We sincerely thank the willingness and commitment each writer has shown toward their work. It is through their very own dedication to this project that we are able to demonstrate the immense appreciation Virginia has for the legislators now leaving the assembly. The entire Virginia Capitol Connections team extends our incredible gratitude to all writers who made this contribution. The Virginia Capitol Connections Team
ace is a coalition of the premier construction trade associations, allied to create awareness of the value of quality construction. ACE represents subcontracting firms that employ highly skilled technicians for field construction work, and provide those employees with high-value wages, family medical care, retirement plans, and continuing education through workforce development and apprenticeship training programs. The members of ACE represent over 1,200 specialty construction contractors employing more than 57,000 employees, and generate annual gross sales of $6.5+ billion. Our mission is to monitor and influence issues that impact subcontractors and specialty trade contractors in the construction industry before all three branches of government within Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC.
J. T. Thomas ACE Chairman
Writers: Dave Albo Richard L. “Rich” Anderson Bonnie Atwood Chris Bailey
Steve Landes Jay Leftwich Mamie Locke Alfonso Lopez Dean Lynch John McGlennon Daphna Nachminovitch
ace Virginia Associations American Subcontractors Association of Metro Washington Iron Workers Employers Association of Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia Mechanical Contractors Association of Metropolitan Washington National Electrical Contractors Association, Washington, D.C. Chapter SMACNA Mid-Atlantic Chapter
Matt Benedetti Preston Bryant Kirk Cox Daniel Davies Joseph A. Green Eva Teig Hardy Don Harris Bernie Henderson Brandon Jackson Jay Jones Terry Kilgore Kaye Kory Kalina Kulig
Gemma Najarro David Ramadan Sam Rasoul David A. Reid Frank Ruff Marcus Simon Butch Smiley Rip Sullivan James S. Turpin
V irginia C apitol C onnections , W inter 2023
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