Virginia Capitol Connections Winter 2023
Jeffrey L. Campbell Delegate 2014-2023 BY JAY LEFTWICH
to be separated from Carrie, his “better half”, and children, Chelsea, Cassidy, Jake, and Chloe- missing family events and milestones: “When I was sworn into the House in 2014, our family photo, taken in front of the Clerk’s dais, displays a young family with children in elementary school. Ten years later, those children are grown and have gone off to college. If I have any regrets from my service, it is that I wasn’t there nearly enough during their formative years.” While Jeff could easily remain in the House of Delegates for decades (in the 2021 governor’s race the district voted 81.4% for Glenn Youngkin), Jeff chose to retire, citing Ecclesiastes chapter 3, verse 1: “For everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” As an effective champion and voice for job creation and economic growth in the Commonwealth of Virginia, in particular, Southwest Virginia, as a trustworthy colleague in the House of Delegates — whose word was his bond- and a true friend to many, colleagues from all political spectrums were and are genuinely somber Jeff’s season in the General Assembly has run its course. In an ever-increasing polarized political environment, Virginia will sorely miss Jeff’s commitment to service before self; while true to his core values, he had the gift to listen and work cooperatively for the betterment of all Virginians. Delegate Leftwich represents part of Chesapeake.
Through a series of fortunate events, the Commonwealth of Virginia — in particular, the Southwest Region — was lucky to have the baseball career of Jeffrey L.“Jeff” Campbell. It didn’t extend beyond his semi-pro days. Underneath his stately and calming personality, lies the heart of a driven athlete and competitor. A native and lifelong resident of Southwest Virginia, Jeff was born in the town of Saltville on September 17, 1966, graduated from R.B. Worthy High School in 1984, and after pursuing baseball for some time, attended
Dave A. LaRock Delegate 2014-2024 BY DANIEL DAVIES
Emory & Henry College, graduating in 1992, with a B.A. in Mass Communications and Political Science. In 1993, Jeff joined the United States Army Reserves, serving in that capacity through 2001. While serving in the Reserves, Jeff was elected and served as a councilman on Saltville’s town council and obtained a Juris Doctor degree from the Appalachian School of Law (2000), founding the Campbell Law Firm shortly after graduating, all the while, working night shift at a local factory. Jeff has also worked as Smyth County Attorney and Legal Counsel for Smyth County Department of Social Services; from 2015 to 2019 Jeff served as a Board member of the Appalachian School of Law and, since 2019, as an adjunct professor at the law school. With an arsenal of experiences (life-long resident, semi-pro baseball player, B.A. Degree, J.D. Degree, Army Reservist, and current council member) Jeff was elected Mayor of Saltville in 2004 and served in that capacity until 2010. Like many “boomers,” Jeff’s parents were “Depression babies” and he attributes their pursuit of the American Dream- governed by values, hard work, and humble beginnings- to his work ethic and sense of community. In addition to Jeff’s accomplishments recited above, the lessons instilled by his parents and his community-mindedness led to Jeff’s service on the Saltville Industrial Development Authority, Smyth County Tourism Association, and Mount Rogers Planning District Commission, along with his membership in the Allison Gap Ruritan Club and as a Youth Football, Basketball, and Baseball Coach. On January 8, 2014, Jeff began service in the Virginia General Assembly, as the 6th District representative to the House of Delegates. Those close to Jeff know he is a reluctant politician ; while he has the heart and empathy to serve, he does not crave position or power. During his 10-year tenure in the House of Delegates, it pained Jeff
Delegate Dave LaRock is a God-fearing, Bible-believing, Constitutional Conservative, whose life is guided by his commitment to Faith, Family, and Freedom. Dave and his wife Joanne grew a successful small business as a general contractor in Loudoun County, while they homeschooled their seven children. Dave and Joanne, and all but one of their seven children and 19 grandchildren, moved to the Shenandoah Valley over the years. I started working with Dave LaRock in 2010, helping with a federal PAC he founded
to promote Congressional adherence to the US Constitution, and then our work together transitioned into local transportation issues in Loudoun County. Throughout these efforts, he and his family poured themselves into hard work to help preserve our Country and our community. While working on that transportation issue (the Dulles Rail project), Dave learned that his own Delegate, Joe May, a 20-year incumbent and Chairman of the House Transportation Committee, was on the opposite side of that issue, and often on Life, Taxes, and the 2nd Amendment, as well. Dave and his wife, Joanne, prayed about it and decided that Dave should run against Del. May. With strong support from his wife, children, and community members, LaRock defeated Del. May in the 2013 primary and went on to win the General Election that fall, and four more times, allowing him to serve the people of Loudoun, Clarke, and Frederick Counties for a decade. I served as Del. LaRock’s Legislative Assistant throughout that decade and would like to give a glimpse into what motivated him to serve throughout that time. Dave often cites Micah 6:8 as his calling and why he sacrificed a decade of personal time in public service: “Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. ” As such, the vast majority of his legislation was designed to help the
Charles D. Morehead, Sr. Funeral Director & General Manager
3215 Cutshaw Avenue Richmond,Virginia 23221
(804) 359-4481
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