Virginia Accounting & Auditing Conference Sep 2019 Roanoke
Is this an q individual gift or a q firm/company gift?
Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company name _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/ZIP ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ANNUAL FUND GIFT AMOUNT q Pacesetter — $1,000 q Champion — $500
q Supporter — $50 q Contributor — $25 q Other $__________
q Leader — $250 q Friend — $100
This would really help!
q My employer offers a matching gift program. Name of Employer ____________________________________________________ *For matching gifts, please mail us your employer’s matching gift form.
RECOGNIZING OUR DONORS q I wish to remain anonymous.
PAYMENT METHOD q Check for $ __________ made payable to the VSCPA Educational Foundation VSCPA Educational Foundation 4309 Cox Road Glen Allen, VA 23060
q Credit Card:
q Visa
q MasterCard
q American Express
q Discover
Donation Amount $ __________ Card number ________________________________________________________ Expiration date _____________________________ Name on card _____________________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
q I would like to make this credit card gift recurring.* Payment frequency: q Monthly q Quarterly
q Yearly
How long should the gift be made? q Until I cancel it
q Until this date:__________
* Your first payment will be processed immediately. Future payments are processed between the 1st and 5th of the month You may also contribute by credit card online at All undesignated gifts will be allocated to the VSCPA Educational Foundation’s unrestricted fund for use toward current and future needs.
Learn more at:
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